Usually around January everyone is on a health kick and this year has not been any different. Well, maybe a little different. This time I decided to jump on the wagon with everyone else. While the masses were hitting the gym and the tracks; I was in my planning phase. I stayed in that planning phase for 3 months! Really I was planning. Here is what is working for me: 1) Make a plan . You wouldn’t buy a car or start a new career without a plan, so do the same thing for your health. Since I had been here a few times I was very familiar with my down falls ( I say mine because everyone’s is different). Things like what to eat for lunch, where to eat if I was traveling, how to fit in exercise, going to the doctor to discuss my plans and taking in her suggestions, how to pump myself up to cook healthy every day at home, things to leave off my grocery list, researching tips & tricks for my body type and how to combat holidays. Although my plan looked fool proof, it wa