
Advice to the younger me and young women listening

You are enough.   Just be the unique being of who you are.  Thats it.  The right people will come to you. Sow good seeds . Karma is real.  What you put out into this world it will come back; good or bad. Learn about money early. Bring back the courting period . Back in the date they called it courting when you found a man you like and he started coming to see you.  Get to know all his people, his friends, his co-workers, his dreams everything. This should be number 1.  Don't ever dull your shine for anyone .  Don't not shrink in the presence of others that may intimidate you. How other people feel about themselves is not your problem. Spend time with elderly women .  They call it wisdom for a reason.  This is an untapped resources many sleep on. Buy a home as soon as its financially possible. Don't hate on other women.   Do not Stomp on someone else's cause .  Just because you don't believe in it, does not make it less im...
WHAT IS YOUR AND? I heard this question on an advertisement today and it got me to thinking.  What is my and? Who am I? You tell me.  Sound off below.  I’ll start. I love God and I love myself.  I am a mother and a sister.  I am a woman and I am a black woman.  I am a spiritual seeker and an analyst.  I am a powerhouse and an entrepreneur.  I am a lover and a fighter. I am a peacemaker and a deal breaker.  I am strong and I am weak. I am everything I want to be and I am everything I want to be. I am angry and I’m soft.  I am mean and I am nice. I am a technology lover and I yearn for the good old days.  I will put the hammer down and I will lift you up.  I am these things and so much more.  My journey is continuous and evolving so stay tuned.

Knowing When To Let Go

Folks with well intentions can bring more pain and stress on themselves all at the expense of someone else’s actions or lack thereof. Not everyone is open to good advice or a helping hand.  There may be things going on behind the scenes of their life that we are not aware of that may prevent them from being receptive.  Whatever the reason or the situation, I am here to tell you that it is not your burden to bare, you really have to know when to let go and be okay with that. One of my friends and I were having this conversation earlier, but as I began to type; I remembered these words by Bishop TD Jakes in 2007; that summed it up perfectly. LET THEM GO! There are people who can walk away from you. And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk. I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone. When ...

Weight loss and getting healthy

Usually around January everyone is on a health kick and this year has not been any different. Well, maybe a little different.   This time I decided to jump on the wagon with everyone else. While the masses were hitting the gym and the tracks; I was in my planning phase. I stayed in that planning phase for 3 months! Really I was planning. Here is what is working for me: 1)       Make a plan . You wouldn’t buy a car or start a new career without a plan, so do the same thing for your health. Since I had been here a few times I was very familiar with my down falls ( I say mine because everyone’s is different).   Things like what to eat for lunch, where to eat if I was traveling, how to fit in exercise, going to the doctor to discuss my plans and taking in her suggestions, how to pump myself up to cook healthy every day at home, things to leave off my grocery list, researching tips & tricks for my body type and how to combat holidays.   Al...

Let's Debate about the Debates

I am looking for more young people to chime in.  Share your thoughts, opinions and educated predictions with me the upcoming elections.